What is on a 10 Panel Drug Test?

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The 10 panel drug test is a standard urine screen that identifies the presence of ten classes of commonly abused or misused drugs and their metabolites. It is also known as the expanded opiate test because it detects more opiates than the standard 5-panel test. The 10-panel drug test is most often used by employers as a pre-employment screening test or to determine an employee’s readiness for return-to-duty following a leave of absence due to substance abuse. However, it can be used by any employer or person that wants to know the results of a comprehensive drug test.

A urine sample is the most common method for collecting a drug test,saliva , hair, blood and umbilical cord samples are occasionally used as well. A 10-panel drug test can be conducted using instant tests or a lab test with gas chromatography, mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Generally, the time a drug remains in one’s system is based on how recently it was ingested or exposed. A negative result indicates that no drug was present in the sample. A positive result is followed by a confirmation test to make sure the drug was actually in the body and not another substance, such as poppy seeds or CBD oil.

Despite being called a drug test, it is technically not a medically valid test, because the sample must be collected from the human body. This is why only licensed professionals can administer a drug test. A physician can only perform a drug test with the written consent of the patient, and only after examining the individual for signs and symptoms of substance abuse or dependency. Get full article on this and more.

Most people who take a drug test are not aware that they will have to wait 24 hours for their result. The test administrator may provide some preparation instructions, such as drinking a lot of water or not eating a certain type of food, and will usually ask the individual to go into a bathroom where they can privately collect a urine sample. Depending on the organization or individuals conducting the test, they may have other instructions for where and how to submit the sample.

It is important to know what is on a 10 panel drug test before taking it, as this will help prepare you for the possibility of a positive result. A good rule of thumb is to avoid substances that are on the list for at least 24 hours before a test. You should also inform your employer or test administrator of any over-the-counter or prescription medication that you are currently taking, as this can in some cases affect the accuracy of a urine test result. It is also important to keep in mind that even if you have not taken any of the substances on the list in the past, recent exposure can cause a false positive. In such cases, a second test with a different laboratory should be performed. In rare instances, a false positive can lead to legal action.Check out this post for more details related to this article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drug_test.